Friday, 20 February 2015

Early Chiffchaff.

An early Chiffchaff is frequenting the outflow channel. It was seen on the 18th and 19th February, sometimes in the company of a small tit flock. A male Blackcap is also coming to the garden feeders. Water Rail have been seen near the top end feeder and also in the outflow channel. It seems to suggest that there is more than one bird.
A pair of Herring Gulls are also regulars and seem quite settled. They can often be heard calling. Tawny Owls are also being vocal with some birds calling during the day.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Launch Success.

 Tern Raft in Transit!
 Steady as she goes.
 Touch Down.

 It floats, as if there was any doubt!
 Half blood knot, remembered from my fishing days.
 I think it was 14mm polypropylene rope , which has a breaking strain of over two tons.
 Thanks Graham.

 Just need to add some 20mm washed gravel and a couple of half pipes and it is all ready for some Sterna hirundo.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Three Tern Rafts completed.

 Some great snowy scenes in the garden recently and hardly the weather to make one think of Common Terns. When the terns return in the spring three new rafts will be waiting for them to nest on. One is to be located at the lake at Church Farm and two will be at Hick's Lodge. Below are some of the materials we used to construct our tern rafts.

 Above , the very professional finished product and a very happy raft maker. Well done Col.